
TerraPia lip balm for care and protection

Chapped and dry lips? Not anymore.

Each of us has at least once encountered the problem of damaged, chapped and dry lips. These problems occur very often, especially during winter when low temperatures and wind occur. Some of the main causes of dry and chapped lips can be:

  • dehydration – insufficient fluid intake will lead to dry skin,
  • moisturizing lips – excessive moisturizing of the lips can have a negative effect
  • weather – extreme weather conditions have a great impact on dryness of lips
  • vitamin deficiency – most often vitamin B deficiency which protects the skin


It is important to know that we do not have to live with chapped and painful lips which might also damage our self-confidence. The best ways to keep your lips soft are:

  • drink plenty of water to keep your lips and body hydrated
  • a balanced diet
  • wear a scarf around your mouth when exposed to cold weather or wind
  • apply moisturizing lip balm several times a day


It is necessary to choose the right product that will provide your lips care, protection, and moisture. TerraPia zeolite lip balm can help with sore, swollen and dry lips and restore their natural glow and softness. The lip balm consists of comfrey root, zeolite, beeswax, olive oil and vitamin E. Allow your lips to become your best asset.


About Marija Šperanda

I am Marija Šperanda, a student of the Faculty of Food Technology in Osijek. Having observed the world of atoms and molecules, I have realized that chemistry is in a constant interaction with the skin, health, and the mood. Each day, we have various demands for the skin of our hands, legs, face, for a skin irritated or damaged to a higher or to a lower degree. We try to find out an optimal solution to the products I have in my purse. The products that are the multipurpose ones, but efficacious.

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