Gentle minerals

The greatest benefit is a fact that the TerraPia Skincare product line acts preventively and curatively, does not provoke irritation, sooths redness, and assuages skin changes.

How It All Begun

I have been investigating the efficacy of zeolites for years, incipiently as an animal and human food supplement. That has opened the new vistas to me. The research of the clinoptilolite has resulted in an experience of efficacy, as well as in an expanded application of this natural material in a quotidian life.

In parallel with a career development, my husband and I have raised a multimember family. Small children, a household, a healthcare, children’s skin care, skin care subsequent to a strenuous labor, and a care of skin exposed to the elements (humidity, disinfectants, wind, cold, heat, aggressive detergents and cleaners, sunrays…) are only some of the demands in a daily routine. Thus, I have begun mixing the zeolite creams. I have experienced that other cream components are more efficacious with the addition of this beautiful mineral, they are absorbed in the skin better, and have a value‐added thanks to the impacts of the zeolite. I have been educated with an awareness that I should take care about the things consciously, that I should not use the unnecessary, that the natural should precede. I have been thrilled observing a very useful product of a volcanic origin. Created in the nature, it efficaciously picks up the detrimental compounds, it detoxifies. I have offered the powder and mixtures to my associates and acquaintances. The greatest joy and a confirmation of the product’s value were the people that have requested and asked me whether I have more powder or crème “of the kind.” I have also been rejoiced by an experience that the preparations were efficacious.

One day, I wished I could provide the others with the efficacious general‐purpose products.

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Prof. dr. sc. Marcela Šperanda

Prof. dr. sc. Marcela Šperanda

Kako je sve počelo?

Godinama istražujem učinkovitost zeolita, najprije kao dodatka hrani za životinje i ljude. To mi je otvorilo nove vidike. Istraživanja zeolita klinoptilolita rezultirala su iskustvom djelotvornosti, ali i širini primjene baš ovog prirodnog minerala u svakodnevnom životu.

Usporedno s razvojem karijere, suprug i ja podizali smo višečlanu obitelj. Mala djeca, kućanstvo, briga o zdravlju, njega dječje kože, njega kože nakon napornog tjelesnog rada i njega kože izložene atmosferskim uvjetima (vlaga, dezinficijensi, vjetar, hladnoća, toplina, agresivni deterdženti i sredstva za čišćenje, sunčeve zrake) samo su neki od zahtjeva u svakodnevnoj rutini. Tako sam počela miješati … kreme sa zeolitom. Uvjerila sam se da su uz dodatak ovog predivnog minerala ostale komponente kreme učinkovitije, bolje se apsorbiraju u kožu te imaju dodatnu vrijednost zahvaljujući učincima zeolita. Odgajana sam sa sviješću da se o stvarima brinem s marom i savjesno, da ne koristim nepotrebno, da prednjači prirodno. Obradovala sam se gledajući vrlo upotrebljiv proizvod vulkanskog porijekla. Nastao u prirodi, učinkovito veže na sebe štetno, detoksicira. Nudila sam prah i mješavine svojim suradnicima i znancima. Najveća radost i potvrda vrijednosti proizvoda bili su ljudi koji su sami tražili i pitali imam li još „onoga“ praha, imam li još „one“ kreme. Radovalo me iskustvo da su pripravci učinkoviti.

Jednoga dana poželjela sam omogućiti i drugima djelotvorne proizvode za široku primjenu.

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Why Is the Micronized Clinoptilolite Powder the Main Character in the TerraPia Skincare Story?

There are more than 300 zeolites, and some of them are also successfully synthesized; however, clinoptilolite has been proven the most efficacious natural mineral. The state‐of‐the‐art micronization processing, with a preserved lattice structure (manufactured by the Mevex company), renders it unique on the global market.

Studying the characteristics of the minerals having a volcanic origin and testing its external application and its usage as a nutritional supplement, we have observed that the zeolite has become am unavoidable medium in the care, hygiene, and prevention of quotidian injuries, in case of abrasions, insect bites, skin lacerations and minor or major wounds. Although it does not belong to the medicines, it has been proven as irreplaceable as a supportive and ancillary therapy.

A wound healing process is rapid and without infections, and a necessity of medicine and antibiotic administration is being minimized. Using the zeolite (Body powder, BP) we indirectly preserve the antibiotic efficacy for the situations in which they are necessary and we get involved in a struggle against resistance, which is an incremental demand of modern medicine.

Why Is the Micronized Clinoptilolite Powder the Main Character in the TerraPia Skincare Story?

There are more than 300 zeolites, and some of them are also successfully synthesized; however, clinoptilolite has been proven the most efficacious natural mineral. The state‐of‐the‐art micronization processing, with a preserved lattice structure (manufactured by the Mevex company), renders it unique on the global market.

Studying the characteristics of the minerals having a volcanic origin and testing its external application and its usage as a nutritional supplement, we have observed that the zeolite has become am unavoidable medium in the care, hygiene, and prevention of quotidian injuries, in case of abrasions, insect bites, skin lacerations and minor or major wounds. Although it does not belong to the medicines, it has been proven as irreplaceable as a supportive and ancillary therapy.

A wound healing process is rapid and without infections, and a necessity of medicine and antibiotic administration is being minimized. Using the zeolite (Body powder, BP) we indirectly preserve the antibiotic efficacy for the situations in which they are necessary and we get involved in a struggle against resistance, which is an incremental demand of modern medicine.